As previously mentioned, having a set plan for achieving any goal is a necessity. Establishing a clear action plan to accomplish your dreams will help you stay focused and organized. Today I sat down with my two good friends, TiAnna and Andrea, to construct a work out schedule. Our University's Wellness Center offers a wide variety of free fitness classes, and we have finally decided to take advantage of them. Having a group of supporters not only builds up motivation, but it increases reliability. It is much easier to let yourself out of doing something than to abandon a friend! Because we are in class for most of the day, we have scheduled to work out in the evening. The classes we will be attending throughout the week include Kisado, a high-intensity interval training course, Bosu Playground, a cardio/strength training mix done entirely on a Bosu trainer, Kick & Sculpt, a high energy kick boxing class, and Sweatshop, a Insanity-inspired class which focuses on intense and fast-paced training. I am excited to finally be taking advantage of these classes. Each day will offer a different way for me to break a sweat and get my heart rate up! In addition, we plan to do some P90X-inspired ab training. I also hope to continue some light weight training, because I just love the sculpted results that it offers :) If you have a fitness goal in mind, team up and create a strategy. Don't let your motivation to make yourself better fade!
here's to living,
A little motivation for all those who are starting something new! |